We provide devices and a basic platform for devices monitoring.

The solution contains the follow content:

1device location and status( temperature, load status,door status) monitor

2send email or sms when the alarm generated

3big data analysis

4Using API for integrate it to your own business system

Users can log on the system to query the route of transport status. Through the application of the system, to achieve the following purposes:

1 The owner can grasp the status of the container in time, improve the turnover rate of the container, and optimize the scheduling of the container;

2The owner can login the system to query forwarding progress, enjoy more high quality freight services.


The system contains the following functions:

Monitor Center:

(1)Show the location and status of containers, using map or grid

(2) Query the history data for location and status

(3) Query the contractclient and other info

Parameter set:

(1)set the lines, stay regions for containers

(2)set client, contract and other info

(3)set the alarm parameter which contains alarm range, alarm interval and who to send when the alarm occurs.


(1)Alarm report

(2)Big data analysis for History data
